Tuesday 26 February 2013

Armies of Islam

A few pics of a recent commission I completed for GB, more Seljuk Turks form their Armies of Islam range.
A real joy to paint! Which reminds me I need to crack on with my own Crusader armies which are slowly beginning to gather dust...


  1. Really nice work! Best, Dean

  2. They look awesome!
    Are the horses from GB too? They do not look as distorted like other GB horses...

  3. Awesome looking! Are the horses from GB as well? They do not look as distorted as their other horses...

  4. Hi milton
    These are the horses they come on now, they are great!

  5. I love your work on those Turks. The one with their two-handed spears are smashing. I would love to see some crusader from you also.

    Best, Nicolas.

  6. Great looking Seljuks, fantastic work!


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