Tuesday 4 March 2008

The "GYPSY ROSE" saloon

Front elevation
Rear yard

First floor detail

Ground floor bar

The Gypsy Rose saloon another fantastic building by Colin.


  1. Stephen,
    Fantastic stuff! Brilliant work you have been doing and very inspirational. Our group has recently started old west gaming and everyone is in the midst of painting up posses. We have just started working on buildings for our own town.

    I am planning on sending the link to your blog to our group members so they can get fired up too. Keep it up and thanks for all the pictures!

    David S.
    Minnesota USA

  2. Hi David,
    Thank you for your comment I am glad you feel inspired by the blog. Inspiration and a permanent record of our campaign were the main reasons for starting this blog.
    Keep checking back plenty more to come!

    Kind regards


Hi I have recently had a few comments on old posts that i missed, so to make sure i dont miss anything i have added the moderator settings
thanks for taking the time to comment :o)