Saturday 15 March 2014

28mm Napoleonic French surgeons 'wurst' wagon

I recently painted this beautiful piece for Perry Miniatures. The chap in the dark blue coat with spectacles is a surgeon of the Imperial guard. All the other characters wear sky blue coats. The pharmacist has green facings, doctor black and surgeons scarlet facings.  


  1. Fabulous brushwork on these equally fine Perry figures. Nice terrain backdrop too. Dean

  2. Fantastic! Great painting!

  3. Thanks for your kind words chaps :0)

  4. Beautiful work, colors are really great!

  5. Superb painting as always Steve, look forward to seeing these on the Perry site.
    Your terrain is looking the dogs b**locks with a great looking slope and hill.

  6. Hi Pat, my terrain is finally getting there. next up is river sections and a beach for my long ships to land on ;o)


Hi I have recently had a few comments on old posts that i missed, so to make sure i dont miss anything i have added the moderator settings
thanks for taking the time to comment :o)