Wednesday 29 February 2012

British Heavy Dragoons

A few pics of the British Heavy Dragoons I paint over Christmas for the fine chaps at Victrix.
A real joy to paint and its great to see them based up so nicely by Steve Hales. You can see some WIP pictures on my other blog. If Naps is not your thing don't worry I am just finishing off a zoo full of elephants and will upload some pictures at the weekend. as well as a few other bits and pieces ;0)


  1. I love them especially the bicornes?

  2. Saw them on TMP; I love 'em. Both the painting & sculpting are superb! A useful unit for gaming too! Best, Dean

  3. Wonderfull painted cavalry unit!


  4. Blimey! I hope Victrix are going to give you a bonus for painting these, as they are certainly going to push their figure sales up.
    Top paint job on superb sculpts.

  5. Fantastic painting on the Dragoons!


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