Wednesday 8 February 2012

Allahu Akbar!!

Perry miniature, flag by LBMS

Here's a few (well quite a few) shots of the army standard bearer for my new force. As you can see he is wildly waving his flag on a recruitment drive as he knows he has no chance of turning back the Frankish invaders on his own. His arm is going to ache just a tad though as I am rather busy with commissions and I have decided that I am going to try a new way of collecting (well for me that is). When I start a new army or period I tend to buy big. Most of the time I don't actually start painting the army unless I have bought it in its entirety. This leads to the obvious mountain of lead that all of us wargamers have stashed in a big box somewhere. So this time I am going to buy my army piece by piece. So far I have bought 2 packs of Perrys Muslims from their Crusades range. Once I have painted what I need from these, which is basically 4 figures. I will order a few more to get my first unit finished. the first unit is going to be Junior Ghulams lead by this chap above. I have big plans for my Crusades collection, and hope to get the first army finished for june this year.  


  1. Man...that guy looks amazing...excellent work!

  2. Wonderful work. Which Perry figure is that? I can't find a match for in the the Crusades/Muslim range.

  3. Wow! This guy has raised the standard. Fantastic painting Steve and I like your thinking with only buying a couple of figures at a time but I don't think I would have the discipline.

  4. Hi CTF its the guy with the axe in MA8, chopped of his axe and drilled out fist to take the standard.
    Hi SW, i dont think i have the discipline either but i will try my best!

  5. He is simply stunning, stunning.........

  6. Wonderfull..very dynamic. The paintjob is top. Where does the flag come looks amazing.

  7. Thanks for your comments gents.
    Hi Paul the flag is from little big men studios. I picked it up at a WAB event at warhammer world back in 2005 it is a special edition number 9 of 20. Been looking for an excuse to cut it and stick it up! I think there are some very similar ones on the LBMS website

  8. Wow -- I'm sure he will raise a huge army. Allah Akbar!

  9. Fantastic painting and photos! The Perry Seljuks are a great range.

  10. Stunning. If you pulled that out in a game, I would let you win!

  11. really, really fantastic figure. the colors are so "colorful", especially the horsepainting is stunning!!!

  12. Lovely work! Good call on swapping-in the colour standard - very dynamic.

  13. What's not to like, excellent figure and painting. Look forward seeing this grow

  14. Absolutely stunning painting!!!

  15. Lovely work on this guy.


  16. Thanks again folks!
    More to come soon ;0)


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