Saturday 29 December 2012

wargames table WIP 1

Well I hope you are all enjoying the festive season!
I have had a bit of time to crack on with my wargames table. as you can see from the photos i still have a long way to go, and they have changed quite a bit from the plans you can see on the last picture.
The sections are 4'x2's and the 6 initial sections will make a nice 8'x6' table later to be expanded to a 12'x6'.
Its the first time i have tried making modular terrain so i am learning as i go along. I am surprisingly really enjoying it! So i hope to bring you a few more shots of my progress soon

Happy new year!!! 


  1. It's coming along nicely mate, have a good 2013.

  2. They should be great Steve and a good size. Look forward to seeing them progress.


Hi I have recently had a few comments on old posts that i missed, so to make sure i dont miss anything i have added the moderator settings
thanks for taking the time to comment :o)