Monday 28 May 2012

Roses it is then!

 The people have spoken and the War of the Roses came out on top!
So i have bought the above pictured plastic box set and a few personalities from Perry miniatures and what great figures they are to.
 After having a chin wag with good friend Pat BLOG . we have decided to do a retinue each and play skirmish level game using the lord of the rings variant on the LOTR variant yahoo group called trebuchet.
He is up at mine on August so that gives me plenty of time to finish the this small project. I say small but these things have a habit of growing! I also need to build a gaming table....

Some pics to follow as soon as i top and tailed some commissions!


  1. Very nice, I like the LOTR skirmish rules as well.

  2. My Henry Tudor boys in their green and white livery are landing in Milford Haven (my place of birth) and then marching up to your place, reaching the field of battle in August. My 14 year old Squire will then pitch the tent and set up camp in your back garden prior to battle.

    Looking forward to this Steve and seeing some of those figures painted up.

  3. Hi Pat, you may have to bring a few of your lovely buildings unless I manage to get my finger out!
    And once our 14 year olds have made camp they can fight it out on COD, whilst we play toy soldiers are real mans game!
    York a York !

  4. Looking forward to see them painted!
    We have been using LotR for 15th c skirmish aswell. Great ruleset. We have a few AAR:s on our blog if your interested.
    Can't wait to see some of your action aswell.

  5. Hi Mattias, just checked and joined your blog, great looking games and some fantastic ideas


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