Friday 27 January 2012

a few more Apulians

Another nice phalanx of Apulians, again I have finished them off with the marvellous Little big men studios transfers. this time using a selection of Etruscans designed for Aventine miniatures and Italians designed for Grippingbeast. They all fit very well on these Crusader miniatures hoplons.
My favourite is the chap in the front row with the red cloak, who quite by accident has a matching shield and tunic. Gok wan would be impressed!


  1. Wow, that horse is great! Love that color scheme.

    Oh, and I like apulians too... ;)

  2. Very very nice looking figures Steve.

  3. Great looking unit; the mounted guy is really nice. Best, Dean

  4. Superb all round with these. Now who is having a painting frenzy?


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