Monday 9 January 2012

Punic Heavy Cavalry

Here is a great unit of Carthaginian heavy cavalry, I used quite a bright pallet on these chaps as they would be the richest of the Punic citizens. I gave them all the same white horse hair crest to tie them all back in. Even Hannibal has white hair to match! figures are from Grippingbeast, the shield transfers are LBMS.

GBs vision of the great man himself Hannibal Barca. Well he certainly ain't no Hasdrabul the handsome, with his scarred face and only the one eye. But he sure gave the Romans are hard time.


  1. Great looking unit, very nice vibrant colors!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Lovely! I'm slowly working on A Carthagenian army myself but hadn't considered GB. Thank you for posting such nice pics. I'll need to order a sample pack :)


  4. Some very nice painting, nice one!!

  5. Lovely looking unit. Very nice work.

  6. Thanks chaps, i have another unit to paint up from Crusader miniatures. not sure when though...

  7. Fantastic looking unit there boyo.


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