Monday 29 October 2012

Old School Dark Elf Hero

I painted this fine chap from the 80s for a comp on the oldhammer forum called the Golden Gobbo, all good fun as you had to come up with a back story for your entry. this chap is now the leader of my slowly growing band of 80s citadel Dark Elves all sculpted by Bob Naismith. Which i am going to use to play games of Warhammer fantsy battle 2nd edition. Yep i'm that old ! !


  1. Great paint job and I really enjoyed your back story - were you trying to convey a message through it by any chance? ;)

  2. I'd also like to say nice paint job! I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures of your Dark Elf Army!

  3. Hi thantsants

    Its good to hear someone actually read it, and yes there was a message in there somewhere ;)

  4. Hi Matt, i'm looking forward to painting them, i am just finishing a cool regiment oof old school orcs for a mate, so stay tuned!

  5. Certainly one of my favorites from this comp...both the painting and the story. I love his blood red armor.

  6. Superb painting once again Steve, the blue and red really work well together.
    I also like the new picture of the Napoleonics you have for your header photo, when did you paint these?

  7. Hi Pat, thanks mate the French were done back in April all Perry metals


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