Wednesday 6 April 2011


Last night I took the night off work and commissions and painted this Wargames Foundry ancient Greek figure. I was happy this morning to see that it turned out ok as I downed a large bottle of Baileys at the same time.

He is the Polemarch who will lead the Greek mercenaries in my Alexander the Great collection, which I got for Christmas last year. Which means I have now painted three Thracian cavalry figures and a Greek, not much to show as I have had the lead four months.

Now back to commissions......


  1. Very nice. I like the colour scheme. I haven't had the courage to go with the darker scheme with my Greek types, but I may well do so at one point after seeing yours.


  2. That's a fine piece of painting, even with a bottle of Bailey's!!!

  3. Baileys notwithstanding thats a cracking figure!


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