Saturday 11 August 2012

The Wargames Room WIP1

I've finally managed to find the time to "de-clutter" what will become in the next few weeks my little slice of heaven. So heres a few pics of my wargames room. As you can see there is still a lot for me to do. Including paint the walls, putting up all the shelving i need for my buildings. Buy a glass display cabinet for my armies, hang pictures and last but not least make a table.

The two pieces of wood you can see above will become my table. It will measure roughly 7x6 foot and fit in with lots of room to move around. as you can see the room has plenty of headroom one end which gently slopes to make Hobbits feel welcome at the over. where the table is there is still plenty of head space for me and i'm 6'2" so there shouldnt be a problem, unless you get over excited jump up and crack your head on the exposed beam!

One of the great things about the room is it is in a toddler free zone. Up what I like to call the black stair case of doom. The girls are well aware of the danger of climbing these stairs and i dont just mean the drop off!
Heres a picture of the view form the top of the stairs, where i hope to soon be tasting my first victory.
We have out first pony being delivered tomorrow, once that is all sorted i will get the big paintbrushes out and crack on with stage 2

1 comment:

Hi I have recently had a few comments on old posts that i missed, so to make sure i dont miss anything i have added the moderator settings
thanks for taking the time to comment :o)